2007 is history. Never to be repeated again. After giving thanks to 2007 yesterday, today should find you in great spirits.
Last year had that 7 at the end. 7 – as in slow down, get in touch with your higher self, slow down again, get in touch with nature, slow down some more, analyze, regroup, spend time alone to reflect, keep slowing down until you possibly couldn’t handle anymore introspection, and …
Well, just look at these 9 reasons to rejoice in the arrival of 2008.
1. In 2007 Britney Spears was confronted with the sad but true fact, that she Would not and Could not slow down to find her higher self. Intuition, shmintuition – not for Britney. Life in the Fast Lane is the name of the game for her. She’d rather fight it out in court, lose custody of her kids and keep partying than to get introspective and slooow down. Luckily for her, Britney will feel ‘with it’ again in 2008.
2. President Bush won’t have any more 7s lulling him into another vacation. He’s taken 70 so far – a truly remarkable achievement in relaxation and slowing down. Nope, the 8 in 2008 will keep him chained to the White House.
3. Paris Hilton. Read the first three sentences in Reason Number 1. Then add these words. Dumbest Blonde couldn’t handle the wisdom and intelligence of last year’s 7. Chooses to slow down in jail instead. It’s the only way Paris could keep low and on a high road. Now a felon, she’s declared herself a changed person. Happily, Paris will feel no need to get some privacy in jail in 2008.
4. OJ Simpson takes the interior view in his book ‘If I Did It’ in which he pretty much confesses – then gets caught taking the interior view of someone else’s hotel room, which may put him in jail for the rest of his life anyway. Interestingly OJ was arrested on September 16, a 7 day. Another felon is forced to slow down.
5. With a few exceptions, all the top contenders for President of the United States have shied away from negative ads. The 7 in 2007 lulled them into pretending they were Mr Nice Guy and Ms. Nice Gal. No more. Get ready from some bashing as befits the number 8. Power and lots of monee are at stake this year. The introspective year is OVER.
6. Lindsay Lohan tested a human being’s ability to enter rehab after rehab program. After starring in the movie flop ‘I Know Who Killed Me’ for which she received the dubious award of Worst Performance of an Actress in 2007, Lindsay almost kills herself – and other drivers – with drugs and alcohol. Like her soul sisters Britney and Paris, Lindsay can’t get herself to slow down unless she’s committed or convicted. Let’s hope the fast pace of 2008 isn’t terminal for her.
7. No more Sopranos. Happily we don’t have to listen to any more dribble about the Sopranos cliffhanger ending. The unanimous vote was – the finale was horribly disappointing. Let’s hope there’s no reunion planned.
8. Don Imus had a hard time last year getting into the groove of self-reflection, so instead he lashed out at the Rutgers Women’s B-ball team. No worries, 2008 will give him ample opportunity to gain ground on his loss of face.
And finally –
9. This one is for you. Rejoice today, because two thousand and 8 is a very special year. Courage ,strength and honor are in the air. Remember to breathe deeply, focus on your goals and you’ll enjoy abundance and prosperity as Never before.
Happy New Year!
Tania Gabrielle