When it comes to the time and place of an important event, numerology is an incredible tool. Yesterday, I witnessed such an event.
My sister Elisa’s wedding took place in Glasgow, Scotland.
Elisa and John weren’t planning to get married in John’s home country. Far from it. They traveled to Washington D.C. all the way from Germany, where they live, because D.C. was my sister’s first choice.
We grew up in northern Virginia, a hop and a skip away. So her heart was set on Washington.
But an interesting thing happened. Very few of their invited guests were willing to come to Washington for the nuptials for one reason or another. There’s a good reason why D.C. should have never been in the cards – and why Glasgow turned out to be the ideal place for Elisa and John to get hitched.
In a nutshell, Elisa and John’s Life Purpose Vibrations add up to 6 and 9, respectively. These numbers are in perfect harmony. However, John’s 9 does not harmonize with the number for Washington, which is a 4. In fact, the number 4 is in total conflict with the number 9. So, although Elisa was comfortable with the location, most of their friends and family let it be known that Washington was out of the question, a sign for them to change gear.
Glasgow, Scotland on the other hand is a 6. This is a beautiful vibration for marriage, AND for both Elisa and John. As expected, all their guests made it.
The whole day was an intimate, cozy affair. We felt well taken care of, and – as befits the 6 vibration – the children had a fun playground and comfortable sleeping room as well. 6 is a number of good will, of rest and all things related to family. The day couldn’t have gone more smoothly.
As Elisa’s older sister, I gave a little speech at the wedding dinner last night. At the last moment I decided to mention Pythagorean Numerology and why its influence is so significant. I used Elisa and John as an example and also mentioned yesterday’s August 27/9 date as an example of the fortuitous energy surrounding the event. You could have heard a pin drop in the room. People intuitively KNEW what I was explaining to them was right on. Without understanding the ins and outs, it was very clear, numbers were confirming something everyone was feeling.
It’s why I’m such an avid student and teacher of numbers. They’re simple, pure and easy to understand. They’re incredibly accurate, to the point of amazement. And most of all, numerology is a tool to help you get in touch with your inner life – the part of you that may be suppressed in today’s fast paced, hustle and bustle world. Sacred numerology uplifts and inspires.
For you to truly get in touch with your destiny and life purpose, your innate talents and personality, be sure to get your Pythagorean Numerology Blueprint.
Embark on the most exciting journey ever. Your blueprint reveals secrets only you know, and may have forgotten. Your numbers will answer every question you ever had about what you’re here to do and why. You will refer to your personal blueprint for as long as you live.
With Warm Regards,
Tania Gabrielle French