midwest storm.jpg

If you live in the Midwest like I
do, you felt it yesterday.


One of the most powerful storms in
70 years hit this region yesterday and is affecting the East Coast today. Named
the ‘Great Lakes Cyclone' it caused heavy damage across the region.


High winds kicked up again in the
last hour.


Based on the numbers, this storm
is a sign of things to come.


Notice that Indonesia had a major
7.7 Earthquake followed by a tsunami. Then yesterday the Merapi Volcano, also
in Indonesia, erupted.


70 years.


7.7 quake. On October 25, a 7 day.


Coupled with the quakes we had
earlier this year – 8.8 in Chile , a 16/7 and 7.0 the same day off Okinawa,
plus the 7.0 in Haiti – the forecast is of major sudden events in the near


7 looks like a lightning bolt. Thus, it symbolizes sudden
insights, and in current events – the unforeseen wake-up call.


Coupled with the quakes we had earlier this year – 8.8 in
Chile , a number which adds up to 16/7 – and the 7.0  earthquake on the same day off Okinawa, Japan, plus the 7.0
quake in Haiti – the forecast is of major sudden events in the near future.


Why? Because October, 2010 is a 4 Universal Year.


And 2011 reduces to the same number – 4. So this month is a
numerological weather forecast for 2011.


Let's look at the dates of the big
storm slamming the U.S right now.


Yesterday was the 26th,
an 8 Day.


October is a 4 Universal Month.


Today's date, 10. 27.2010, adds up
to 13/4.


Numbers 4 and 8 have a unique
relationship to each other. They are magnetically and fatefully connected. When
several come together in a recipe, the frequency is magnified.


Note that the U.S. was born the 4th
of July in the 76th year of the 18th century. 76 reduces
to 13/4. The U.S. began with 13/4 colonies. So numbers 4 and 8 will trigger the
U.S. naturally.


Indonesia was born on 12.27.1949.
This gives Indonesia a 35/8 Life Purpose. The 49th year of last
century reduces to 13/4. So Indonesia too is triggered by these dates.


Numbers will ALWAYS give you major
clues. Numbers create melodies, that when combined, form symphonies of


In this case the big clue is that 2011
will be a big year for Earth Events. These are being ramped up right now.


I will write more about 2011 soon.


For now, make sure you are
protected. Look at your current name. Is it supporting you or bringing you
unnecessary obstacles?


Get your ‘Is My Name Fortunate?'
report and stay safe.


Warm Regards,

Tania Gabrielle