google.jpgThis is such a fascinating story. A friend told me recently that the name ‘Google' was an accident.

Have you ever heard of the search engine called ‘Back Rub'? I hadn't until she pointed out to me ‘Back Rub' was the original name of internet giant Google.

Back in California in 1996 two young guys chose the name ‘Back Rub' for their new venture. That's because their brand new baby search engine was meant to create ‘back-links'. Luckily they said the name out loud and realized ‘Back Rub' just didn't have that ring to it.

So they moved on to ‘Googolplex' – it's the mathematical name for a huge number with an endless supply of zeroes.

Too long. Finally they decided to shorten it to ‘Googol'.

Then lady luck stepped into the picture. When a person on their team bought the domain name for their new company ‘Googol', he or she made a mistake – and bought ‘Google' instead.

Why was this misspelling so fortunate? As usual the clues are revealed with numerology.

1. ‘Back Rub' adds up to 18/9. Absolutely one of the worst names you could have for a business. It indicates deception from friends and enemies.

2. ‘Googolplex' is a 51/6 name. Though this name number has advantages, I rarely recommend it. Yes, it symbolizes sudden advancement of your goals, but there's a warning of dangerous enemies. That's because 51 is associated with the warrior. Too risky for a business.

3. ‘Googol' adds up to 30/3. Not recommended for businesses either – current names that add up to 30 symbolize the mental superiority of a genius who retreats from the hustle and bustle of life. It's also a lonely number and wouldn't attract customers.
4. ‘Google' – a 28/10/1 name. Indicates great promise and genius and the possibility of achieving immense success. As long as they practice self-discipline  and don't trust the wrong people, this name has incredible benefits. It's important to note that 28 reduces to 10/1 – the ‘Instant Manifestation' Number. Businesses and people with 10 names manifest anything they can imagine. Of course, the number 1 signifies what Google is known for – holding the Number 1 spot when it comes to all Internet Search Engines AND websites.

Now Google has become part of our everyday vocabulary. People Google information. They Google every imaginable phrase.

Companies planning to be the best in their niche say they want become the ‘Google of their Industry.'

Plus the name Google has a ‘ring' to it.

Here's another secret. The double O is a wonderful added ingredient to Google's success. Double letters of any kind give divine protection. Whether they appear side-by-side as in gOOgle or as first letters of two names, as in Coca Cola.

When Both the name number is fortunate AND the double letter are activated, the business or person is given extra protection.

Keep in mind, having a double letter isn't necessary to achieve success. It helps, but isn't the key. That key is the number of your name.

I use the ancient Chaldean system to calculate your current name.

If I find that your name resonates to a challenging number, I respell it and give you at least two options that are highly fortunate.

Your name is your MOST important calling card. It adds up to a number that affects your whole life. This is what makes names so powerful. You want a name that favors you, supports you and protects you.

So be sure your name is highly fortunate. Go to

Warmest Regards,
Tania Gabrielle

P.S. My Triple Platinum Numbers System coaching seminar is almost sold out. This special event will not be repeated. Register today to guarantee your seat.