john travolta.jpgYesterday John Travolta made a
surprising announcement – good news for once. The unexpected nature of events was
also felt during primary elections in the U.S.


May is an 8 Universal Month, so
issues of power are on the forefront.


Election results sent mixed
signals in three states – all indicating a change in the power. Arlen Specter,
who is 80, was ousted from the Senate. Senator Blanche Lincoln failed to win
enough votes and faces a runoff on June 8 in Arkansas. Rand Paul, son of former
Presidential candidate Ron Paul, won in Arkansas.


Notice the 80/8 for Specter and
June 8 for Lincoln.


No surprise then that Tuesday was
5.18.2010. Add all the digits and you get a Universal Date of 17/8. So a double
8 was in force yesterday, explaining all issues about power and the struggle
for power this month.


We saw these dynamics in the
recent British elections as well.


Thailand too is experiencing a
mini civil war – a power struggle between the sitting government and the
opposition who
support former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, ousted in
a 2006 bloodless military coup.


On another note, John Travolta is
experiencing personal surprises this year, befitting someone in a 5 Personal
Year. One of them is great news.


First, sadly on May 13 in a Maine
airport, two of his small dogs were accidentally killed while being walked on
the tarmac in the early hours of the morning.


Then yesterday Travolta announced
that he and his wife Kelly Preston could not keep their great news secret any
longer. They are expecting. This announcement comes just over a year after
their 16-year-old son Jett died following a seizure.


Note that at that time, Jett's
mother Kelly Preston was experiencing a 16/7 Personal Year.


As for Travolta's adventurous
year, in 2010 he is in a 14/5 cycle – a pivot point in his life. Many changes,
new discoveries and a heightened experience of his 5 senses are active now.


Yes, and number 14/5 also
symbolizes pregnancy.


Additionally, yesterday was the 18th
– the number of Travolta's Day of Birth, making the day even more active for


On May 13, the day he lost his
dogs, Travolta was Also having a 5 Personal Day – so the unexpected nature of
this number was doubled for him. Note too, number 13 is about transformative
unforeseen events.


kelly preston.jpg

Kelly Preston, Travolta's wife, is
in an 8 Personal Year in 2010. Yesterday's announcement fell on a 17/8 Personal
Day for her. Double 8 – very appropriate. 17 symbolizes eternal life. And 8
shows the ability to survive and surpass obstacles. How fitting for her, as she
celebrates the new life being created.


For Kelly Preston the 8 has
further significance as well. She was born on a 13/4 Day and has an 80/8
Destiny. So two of the most important numbers in her birth blueprint were doubly
activated for the announcement yesterday.


4 and 8 have a powerfully magnetic
relationship with each other. People with these birth numbers will often
experience their biggest events in personal years, months of of 4 and 8.


8 also symbolizes your Oversoul.
Watch my May Forecast video for more on this important archetype symbol and how
it can support you in your inner work.


When it comes to understanding
the deepest significance of numbers and letters, there is so much more to


During my October seminar I will
show you how to scan every category of your life using the frequencies in your birth
name and birthday. This event will be spectacular and unforgettable.


And, no, you don't need any
knowledge of numerology to attend.


Seats are going fast for the
two-for-one Early Bird special, so be sure to register now.


Read more about the ‘Scan Your
Life' Seminar

Warmest Regards,

Tania Gabrielle