One of our greatest storytellers, Michael Crichton, passed away on November 4.

Crichton had a powerful Destiny Number, 98, which reduces to the Immortality Number 17/8. Who can argue with that.

His output is known worldwide. From Jurassic Park to The Andromeda Strain at the movies to ER and Disclosure on the small screen, Crichton's contributions will be part of pop culture for a long time to come.

His page-turners sold more than 150 millyon copies around the world.

With a 22/4 Life Purpose Number he paid great attention to detail and was a master at communicating. He certainly had the fantastic imagination of a child. Not many adults ask themselves whether dinosaurs could ever walk the earth again. Crichton did – and so began writing Jurassic Park.

The 22, also known as the ‘Buddha Number,' made him a gentle soul which is how Steven Spielberg remembers him. Many who have this number are interested in science – and Michael Crichton was certainly no exception.

Many other TV shows have taken his ideas and duplicated them.

Where did his sense of adventure come from? Crichton was born on the 23rd, a number which reduces to the freedom-loving 5.

If you have a prominent 5 you love to travel, go on adventures and take risks. Even if you're not able to travel physically, you'll go there in your imagination. The 23/5 allowed Crichton to break through all barriers. It freed up his imagination – a key to his success as a storyteller.

The combination of these three numbers made him inquisitive, they allowed him to take risks, and they gave him courage and natural leadership abilities. Crichton was fearless, opinionated, powerful – even in his 6'9″ height – and a master at his craft.

Here is how ER's executive producer John Wells remembers him.

“No lunch with Michael lasted less than three hours and no subject was too prosaic or obscure to attract his interest. Politics, medical and scientific ethics, anthropology, archeology, economics, astronomy, astrology, quantum physics, and molecular biology were all regular topics of conversation. I was blessed to have known him and proud to be able to have called him my friend.”

Sounds like a renaissance man.

Finally there's his name. ‘Michael Crichton.' It resonates to 25/7 and gave him great judgment and an ability to observe people and events carefully and gain wisdom from doing so. 7 is also associated with wanting to attain knowledge and reading books.

The 25 also allowed him to overcome disappointments from early in life. One composer I knew was born on the 25th and overcame childhood polio. He was a voracious reader and loved delving into the mysteries of life – the ‘story behind the story.'

Since a 25/7 name doesn't necessarily attract wealth, Crichton needed another prominent number to help him out.

He got it in his Destiny Number, 98/17/8 symbolizing a career of abundance, power and wealth.

As for the day he died – in 2008, Crichton was in a 16/7 Personal Year. 16 cycles ask you to slow down and pay attention to your intuition. This number also can indicate the possibility of sudden events. Senator Ted Kennedy is also being asked to slow down this year – a 16/7 Personal year for him.

Well, that 16/7 Personal Year is connected to his 25/7 name as well as Tuesday's 16/7 Universal Day.

November was a 18/9 Personal Month for Crichton. When you have a 9 cycle it asks you to clear the clutter and release the past as you begin a brand new cycle. So 9 is a vibration of culmination and endings.

20/2 was his Personal Day Number on Tuesday. Very fitting since 2 is about communication. If Michael Crichton was a master at anything it was to communicate stories we will always remember.

One final mirroring effect was caught my attention.

Crichton published his first book ‘Odds On' in 1966 under the pseudonym John Lange. ‘John Lange' adds up to 17/8 activating his Destiny Number. And 1966 mirrors his age on the day he passed away, 66.

May he rest in peace.

Warm Regards,
Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Tomorrow we'll look at numbers relating to the election, including Wall Street numbers and President Obama's first cabinet appointments. It's turning into a fascinating story.