Talk about luck. Three months ago I met Colette at a book-signing in Charlotte, NC. My life has never been the same.
We’ve become fast friends in the best sense of the word. Colette is a total blast – hilarious, caring and doesn’t have a fake bone in her body. Her brilliance is reflected in her understanding of timeless wisdom – all of which is music to my ears. Colette is an avid student of Life, and this makes her a powerful and gentle teacher.
Last weekend I was in Tampa to participate in the two workshops she gave at Hay House’s “I Can Do It!” conference. I was moved to tears all weekend. It was my first experience of learning from Colette LIVE in a workshop setting – and I have to say, it will not be the last.
Far from it.
Fortunately for me, my expertise in Sacred Numerology enhances Colette Baron-Reid’s teaching of symbols. In Tampa, she called on me to explain the symbolic meaning behind numbers. She knows that every word, every letter and every number carries a message. So I taught the essence of each single number from 1 to 9, and what it may mean when you see a particular number appear.
For example, the numbers of my hotel room and the seats I got on the plane spoke volumes about why I was at conference. One told me about the present, and others spoke about my future. This is one small way numbers can communicate a message to you all day long.
During the course of the weekend, Colette shared some great laughs, both with her students and with me personally. One thing is clear.
People who are happy and share their joy with others have made a decision to pursue excellence and do all they can to obtain it. They steer their life with what brings them most joy.
Colette embodies these qualities to a tee. Every decision my extraordinary friend makes, has one ingredient common – she intuitively asks, “Will this thought or action support or hinder my spiritual progress? Am I empowered and uplifted by taking this action? She makes sure the answer is always – YES.
One such decision has helped her to soar to greater heights than she ever imagined.
Years ago, Colette learned about the power of numerology and changed her name. The name she chose, Colette Baron-Reid, resonates to one of the most fortunate vibrations. Many great artists, metaphysicians, leaders and master teachers have the magical 15 in their blueprint. For example:
Meryl Streep, Rudolf Steiner, Audrey Hepburn, Sylvia Browne, Martin Luther King, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Emma Thompson, Agatha Christie, Georgia O’Keeffe and J. Paul Getty.
Like Colette, you too can create your own future of joy, success and fulfillment. Start by looking at your Numerology Blueprint. What does it say about your inner gifts? Is your career aligned with your Life Purpose? Is your current name supporting or dissipating your Destiny?
When you decide to help yourself, you set forces in play that will aid you in your quest. Taking charge of your name is one of the easiest ways to realign yourself with your destiny. The most successful and happiest people in the world pay attention to details the average man and woman never consider.
If you ever have a chance to see Colette speak – run, don’t walk. Your investment will come back to you many times over.
In the meantime, learn the powerful truth expressed in YOUR numbers.
With Warm Regards,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. My new Pythagorean Club is going strong. Participate in a two hour teleseminar set up especially for you to ask me anything that’s on your mind. There are still some openings for new members. Join the Pythagorean Club today.