Yesterday I received an email with a link to a CNN story. It concerns a Northern California woman mistaken for a suspect in a girl's killing.

She has the same name – Melissa Huckaby – and is the same age as the Sunday school teacher charged with the crime.

Imagine – the innocent Melissa Huckaby says most people think she's the same person. She has received hate mail, threats on her life and was forced to take her MySpace page down. This is a woman who has never even received even a speeding ticket.

Now she's desperately trying to clear her name. What I can tell you is that her current name will keep attracting unnecessary challenges if she keeps this spelling.

Again, we have a situation where the birth information for either of these women isn't available.

All we have is a name.

‘Melissa Huckaby' adds up to 40/4 in the Ancient Chaldean system I use for current names. In a nutshell, a person with a 40 name has mental superiority over others, can feel isolated from people, and may have a false sense of being all-powerful.

Additionally, many people with this name number feel indifferent towards others.

As you can imagine, I don't recommend this number.

Notice, 40 reduces to 4. People with 4 or 8 names not only attract fateful events but are also magnetically attracted to other people who share the same 4 and 8 in their blueprints.

Unfortunately little Sandra Cantu, the 8-year-old girl who was murdered, was born on an 8 Day.

Now being born on the 8th is NOT a negative whatsoever. In fact, if you're born on the 8th or a day that reduces to 8 you are a natural leader.

What made Cantu's life challenging is that her current name ‘Sandra Cantu' added up to 35/8 – an unfortunate name number. Plus, her name was made even more difficult because it set in motion a fateful COMBINATION with her 8 Day of Birth.

You see it's always the whole recipe of numbers that counts.

Additionally, little Sandra was in a 22/4 Personal Year in 2009. Remember, ‘Melissa Huckaby' adds up to 40/4 – establishing an instant, magnetic and fateful connection between all these 4s and 8s.

Did that magnetic connection need to end up this way? Of course not. But what it did forecast is a great potential for obstacles.

Most people have never heard of the ancient science of numerology. They don't realize that the energy generated by their current name sets in motion a negative or positive force.

Just this morning I read about Ryan Zucker. Twice in a minute he thought he was going to die on New Hampshire's Mount Washington on Saturday. An avalanche was carrying him and his partner Tim Finocchio 800 feet down a steep slope.

Just take a look at each man's current name number.

‘Ryan Zucker' adds up the 16/7 and ‘Tim Finocchio' to 13/4. Both are numbers I'd never recommend to any of my personal or business clients.

Your name is so important. In fact, ensuring you and your loved ones have a fortunate name is like securing one of the greatest assets you could ever own. For life.

So, take positive action now. You won't regret it.

Warmest Regards,
Tania Gabrielle