
I was pondering this headline on Sunday:  Hillary
Clinton: “Iran is moving towards a military dictatorship”.


Then it occurred to me to check Clinton's


I found clues that took me aback. Now I
want to share some of what I found in the name ‘Hillary Clinton.'


Yes it may sound strange, but your current name gives
stunning insights into your life. Some clues are silly, some are serious and
others sacred. Either way, the pictures painted by the phrases hidden in your
name  are extremely powerful.


What I am referring to are Lexigrams.


First you create words with the letters in your name. These
words are called anagrams.


Then you use your intuition to make phrases – Lexigrams
from those words. Sometimes you may need to insert ‘a', ‘an', ‘but', ‘and' ‘in'
or ‘is' to complete your phrases – but do so sparingly.


You will find that the phrases reveal amazing details about
you, your past, your mission, your life and your future.


Now let's take Hillary Clinton as an example, with a special
focus on word events.


By now you will have guessed that the word ‘Iran' is in
Hillary Clinton's name. There's one country, a significant on – ‘China' – which
plays a pivotal role in the world, in particular whether to impose sanctions on


Here are some lexigrams I found in ‘HILLARY CLINTON.'


– ‘Halt China – Chain and Ration Iran.'


– ‘Chant Hillary.'   This is in reference to her recent run
for the Democratic Presidential nomination.


– ‘Collar On Iran and China.'


– ‘Anchor Chair Ran All North On A Roll.'


– ‘Only Latch China – Lynch Iran.'


– ‘Hit Oil and Rain On Anti-Iran.'


– ‘Hint: Lion Hillary Itchy To Halt Iran, Rally Ally North.'


– ‘Chill In Air.'


Keep in mind, the phrases in lexigrams are potential
situations. You activate certain parts of your lexigram based on your frame of
mind and heart.


So, now that we know some of the potential in the U.S.
Secretary of State's lexigram, we can be more aware of possible future events. Most
importantly, we can see the importance of being a peaceful frame of mind during
these changing times.


Forecasting with both names in numbers is something I will
be teaching in great detail at my upcoming ‘Secrets and Mysteries' seminar.


This is an event you don't want to miss.


Register now – and learn the ancient science of forecasting.


Warmest Regards,

Tania Gabrielle