On August 16 an extraordinary New Moon in Leo activates a profound LEO-LION code!

  • This New Moon has the Sun and Moon at 23° Leo, which is quite extraordinary, since 23 is the Royal Star of the LION number.
  • Sun and Moon will be square to Uranus – ALSO at 23 degrees.
  • Since it is 2023 – another 23 is introduced into the code!
  • Furthermore, MARS will be at 23° moments after the Leo New Moon, creating a Gorgeous TRINE to 23°Uranus!!


That makes 523’s.

And 23 reduces to 5 (23 = 23+3 = 5) – making it five 5’s!

Along with the courage, leadership and confidence of 23, 5 adds adventure, freedom, exploration, quick decisions, excitement.

As it happens, the sign of Leo also rules the 5th House in Astrology…

Love – Leo rules the heart in astrology.

Light – Leo’s ruling planet is the SUN – a Star!

So the full message of the Leo New Moon is:

  • Awaken to the LOVE and LIGHT that you ARE.

Sun and Moon are conjunct Venus activating a lovely, happy, effortless, pleasureful and abundant energy.

You feel free to generously share your heart.

With the square from the New Moon to Uranus and the August 16 date, there is also unpredictable energy.

Meditate, get grounded, exercise, get extra rest and know that everything is going to move pretty quickly.

With this code your intuition, your hunches are your best guidance.

Of course, this is all part of the ongoing magnificent awakening – destined in the stars – and covered in-depth in the FREE online webinar, “How To Master Your Stars: The Truth About Taking Your Power Back.”

Apply the star code wisdom right away and experience what it means to step into the Lion frequency with Courage, Passion and LOVE!

Click here to get instant access!

Joyful Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. In the days following the 23:23:23:23:23 Leo New Moon nurture your heart and be astounded at the strength of your indivisible Divine Light – more about how to activate your miraculous inner resources is revealed in the free masterclass…go watch it here – it's free!