Yesterday I received an email from a young actress.

She had received her Personal Numerology Blueprint and Intuitive Counseling Call as a gift from her boyfriend a few weeks ago. This is what she wrote.


‘I know my name is already beginning to work. I was on set yesterday and I caused a HUGE stir – I ended up getting a signed picture with the two main stars of the show called ‘The Unit'.  And someone on set said, that people were magnetized to me, which is exactly what my name is suppose to do.

‘I felt a little shy and embarrassed because the change is strong, but I also am so happy because this usually doesn't happen to this extent.  The director also made a comment that she loved my acting. I can't wait to see what happens next.'

‘Thank you so much for everything.'
Stefani M.

This is awesome news, Stefani. I am thrilled to hear how fast the new fortunate spelling of your name is working in your favor. Just think, you are just beginning this wonderful journey. Keep me posted – as I know you will.

Stefani story showcases how powerful a tool numerology is. Especially when you act on good advice. Advice handed down for thousands of years.

She needed help with her name and made it legal right away. She set up a new website and adjusted her email address.

Additionally, Stefani gained great confidence when I showed her how her new name would result in far more opportunities. I also revealed the trends she could expect in her immediate future. I guided her on how to take advantage of her personal cycles right now.

These important pieces of advice were given to Stefani during her Intuitive Counseling Call.

I want You to have these opportunities too.

And since I understand you may not be able to invest in a Blueprint and Counseling Call, I have created a new product.

Imagine talking to me in person and getting answers to all your questions. Ask me about your current name, your future, your address, your career, your love life. I'll help you choose dates for a special event. Or let you know when to submit an application. Explain why an employee or boss may be giving you challenges. I'll make sure the names of your business, website and members of your family are fortunate.

All this and a lot more can be discussed in your Intuitive Counseling Call.

You won't receive a written report. But you WILL get life-changing answers to your questions.

Often what happens during these personal counseling calls, is that unexpected topics come up. Tangents lead to new questions. This is what happens with names and numbers – the information is endless.

And to make it even easier for you, I have decided to reduce my rates so you can benefit like never before.

Keep in mind, I only have a very limited amount of openings available every month. So I won't be offering these rates for long.

Reserve your personal Intuitive Counseling Call with me today.

Warmest Regards,
Tania Gabrielle

P.S. I have offered these calls to a few select clients already. They have been so successful, I wanted you to have this opportunity as well. So reserve your spot while I still have a few openings.