Eclipse season is over (though still impacting us) and Mercury is direct again as of SundayYet only NOW are we entering the peak cycle in May!

That’s because two planets are about to change signs just a few days apart – and, by doing so, both activate Pluto in a powerful way.

One is Jupiter, the other Mars.

Jupiter spends around one year in each sign to complete its 12-year cycle around the zodiac.

In just hours, Jupiter is leaving Aries, its home for the past year.

  • On May 16 Jupiter moves into Taurus.

Jupiter’s joyful expansive energy merges with Venus’ home sign of Taurus, bringing the vibrations of the two ‘benefic” planets in astrology together.

For the next year feelings of gratitude, trust, faith and generosity infuse your heart as you are invited you to enjoy, celebrate, love and cherish all things that are good.

With Pluto at 00° Aquarius, Jupiter’s change into 00° Taurus activates a dynamic square, expanding energy exponentially.

But what really brings it all to a head is Mars:

Mars moves into Leo on May 20th (3:50 am UT on May 21).

  • That means, Mars will be in direct opposition to Pluto.

Fire and passion, forward momentum and power create tremendous tension that yearns to be brought into balance – which creates unprecedented opportunities in your life to feel reborn.

What makes this opposition so notable is that Jupiter is creating an exact T-square to Mars and Pluto. Jupiter will dramatically amplify the Mars opposite Pluto energy.

ALL three planets will be at 00° – at the beginning of their respective signs.

Where Jupiter rules Faith, Wisdom and the Expansion of Energy – Pluto rules life–death–transformation.

Some of what you believed to be true is transforming rapidly at this time. And it’s all to set you free to be independent, have faith and be empowered.

So is your ability to address any power imbalances.

  • Pluto uncovers the truth
  • Mars goes directly to a destination
  • Jupiter expands your vision

This triple 00° lineup of Jupiter-Pluto-Mars cannot be underestimated for it’s power to stimulate lasting, positive changes in your life.

What a powerful time to relinquish (Pluto) certain unconscious beliefs (Jupiter) and confidently forge a new path forward (Mars) – uninhibited by the past.

  • 00° is ultimately about you accepting this moment as is – where no matter what, you are still and at peace with everything.

Jupiter's move into Taurus is an auspicious time to discover your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones – and see how you are naturally designed to manifest abundance, fulfillment and fortunate outcomes.

All is revealed in Your Jupiter Wealth Code… click here.

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Optimism, wisdom and joy are the domain of Jupiter. Discover the wisdom in the magical wealth code Jupiter activates in your Astro-Numerology birth chart!

Click here for your Jupiter Wealth Code!