On the SAME day as the Virgo Full Moon (March 7, 2023), Saturn has just moved into PISCES!

What an incredible day in the celestial realms…

This is truly one of the most significant astro-numerology events of 2023 – in addition to Pluto’s change into Aquarius on March 23 (yes, the same month!).

  • You will emphasize your spiritual life, be much more attuned to your emotional state and use your imagination to create a connection to the Divine.

If at any time you feel restricted, you can easily tune into beautiful uplifting energy for spiritual sustenance and balance.

You are recovering and healing all aspects of yourself.

Saturn in Pisces ensures you pay attention to feelings. You are not negating feelings anymore.

Be peaceful in that moment of attention.

Be loving. And be accepting.

Be loving and accepting of ANY feelings as they appear.

When you do, you’ll notice something miraculous:

  • The awareness of these feelings changes the feelings!

Your willingness to feel will heal.

Saturn is Manifest Energy.

How do you work with Manifest Energy in your own field?

  • It requires more conscious time spent in the present.

This is such a major beginning to build NEW skills of awareness.

Saturn in Pisces gives you the strong boundaries to work with your own consciousness and bring it into present moment awareness.

Turn to your heart when you are not sure about something:

You will sense what FEELS divine – and what carries an underlying frequency of manipulation, fear, lack and limitation.

Any unconscious patterns will surface and become clear with Saturn in Pisces!

You are gaining a loving understanding of your own journey…

So now, with Saturn's major shift into the sign that symbolizes the unseen frequencies that impact everything… all the time – it's a fabulous opportunity for you to check in with your own personal frequency.

One important part of your frequency is the name you choose to use – since it emits a powerful vibration you send out into the world day after day.

Make sure that your current name adds up to a fortunate frequency.

Here’s why having a fortunate name is so important – especially in these fluid times of change: Your name vibration shows how easy or difficult it is for you to fulfill your Birth Promise.

  • The GOOD news is… since you can CHOOSE your current name, you also have the power to CHANGE it!

Your current name has a huge impact on your life.

It's one of the most powerful assets you have – when it is fortunate.

(If you’re using more than one current name (for example adding a middle initial in certain places), you’re diluting your frequency across all areas of your life. Two spellings create two different numbers. It’s like handing the universe TWO calling cards and asking it to choose… very confusing!)

Saturn’s entry into Pisces means it’s time to manifest your dreams.

Emitting a positive name frequency makes it much easier for you to consistently manifest what is for your highest good.

Click here for Your Wealthy Name Code!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Fortunately the spelling of your current name CAN be changed if needed. Discover whether your name is fortunate now (and get two highly positive alternate spellings if it isn't!).
