Six days ago the world learned Senator Ted Kennedy had a seizure. Within days it became clear, he is in a fight for his life.
Kennedy is the second most senior member of the Senate, after Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who broke down crying when he heard the news of his good friend’s malignant brain tumor. He’s the most influential member of the Kennedy family and brother of the late President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
What a tumultuous and powerful life he has had so far. Now wonder. What’s fascinating to me is how Senator Kennedy’s personal numbers have a direct connection to the history of the United States.
First let’s look at the 16/7 Personal Year he’s in right now.
When you’re in a 7 year, it’s time to take a sabbatical of some sort. He’ll naturally want to spend more time alone, especially in nature, to rejuvenate his body, mind and spirit. Sailing, his passion, is perfect. A U.S. Senator leads an active life. So it’s really important for him to take time away from the hustle and bustle.
It’s a time to read books, contemplate, rest and attend to his health. It’s not a great time for social activities. His spiritual, mental and physical sides need his full attention. This is a year to ‘let go and let God.’
Let's take a look at the 16 in his current Personal Year, because this number is unique. It explains the suddenness of his experience. You can’t foretell a seizure. Many of the symptoms would be considered normal, especially if you’re in your 70s.
In a 16 year it’s common to have sudden and unforeseen experiences. The ancient Chaldeans interpreted this year as overthrowing old, useless ideas and habits. Sometimes this can happen in a forceful way.
For Ted Kennedy, who loves to work, it certainly has. Most of us reach an epiphany only after we’re literally forced to do so.
Furthermore, during any 16 cycle, and this includes your Personal Months, you have to be careful not to overwork, because it will affect your health.
There is an intense energy inside Senator Kennedy this year. It is meant to put him in touch with his intuition – the key ingredient of the 16 and 7. He’s likely to get illuminating insights into his life. Many great creative projects can be sparked during a 16 cycle which end up bringing good fortune in the future. Sudden opportunities may arise as well.
On another note, during a 16 cycle you may lose people and things. This is why I never recommend having your current name add up to 16 in the ancient Chaldean system. Because, the 16 symbolizes ‘a fall from a high place.’
As for Ted Kennedy’s name, I noticed something extraordinary. ‘Ted Kennedy’ adds up to 13/4. And ‘Edward Kennedy’ adds up to 31/4. Both are considered the ‘Genius Number.’ Both reduce to the number 4. As with any 4 or 8, they are considered fateful.
Finally, the 4 – particularly 13/4 – is a very important number for the United States.
What all this means is this. Ted Kennedy will have fateful events and relationships throughout his life. As I will be showing in my upcoming book, the entire Kennedy clan has the 4 and 8 connection running through it. No one can argue the Kennedy family’s effect on U.S. history.
On a lighter note, I am excited to tell you that my good friend and colleague Colette Baron-Reid has released her second book ‘ Messages From Spirit.’ To celebrate her great achievement, I had her on my radio show By The Numbers. She tells riveting stories and gives us a glimpse of her life as a bestselling author and renowned intuitive.
Every show has a section called my ‘Person of the Week.’ This week I’ll fill you in on Colette’s Personal Numerology Blueprint. Listen here.
I usually read in bed before falling asleep. Last week, while reading ‘Messages from Spirit', I was up very late. The book is awesome. I couldn’t put it down.
I’m also thrilled that it devotes a whole section to numerology, which features explanations of important numbers by yours truly. It's a wonderful honor to have played a part.
Right now, Colette Baron-Reid’s Publisher, Hay House, is having a special promotion. When you go to you can download dozens of gifts from Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden, John Holland, Sylvia Browne, Peggy McColl and many other notable authors. Enjoy.
Warmest Regards,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. Your current name is a barometer. It's either supporting you or throwing challenges your way. Make sure YOUR Name is helping you.