
Here is a recent question I
received about 11:11:



‘I am
on your email list and enjoy your forecasts. I am wondering what you think
about 11:11 numbers. I have seen these for years, as a lot of other people have
too – just want your take on them.


what about 3:33. I see them on the clock often, but the 11:11 is a big one. I
usually stop and say a prayer when I see these numbers, and don't know why, but
it makes me feel good.'





Becky, you are not alone. I get
asked often about 11:11.


When you look at 11:11 you can see
it creates a mirror effect. Anytime numbers are mirrored, they are magnified,
intensified and can easily trigger you.


11 is a very complex and powerful frequency.


On the one hand, 11 reminds us
that we are shifting from Duality – you/me, us/them, outer world/inner world – to


Words such as ‘Light' ‘Enlightenment',
‘Mastery', ‘Creative', ‘Vibration' and ‘Psychic' all resonate to 11, a very
electrical, exciting Master Number.


Now, when you keep seeing the
11:11 or 1111, it can be a wake-up call – a reminder to FOCUS and listen to
your Intuition. 11 symbolizes Double New Beginnings and Double Creativity. So
this number is a big call to Action.


Since 11 resembles a gateway, you
are walking through a portal and activating something new.


The question is what are you activating?

The answer to that question depends on what your mind is focused on, the negative or positive meaning of your cycles.

It also can depend on your current name number. Highly fortunate names will support you – challenging names cause more obstacles.

So, if you see a particular pattern of numbers often, pay attention, because there will always be a message for you.

Numbers are wonderful, simple tools to help you interpret your past, understand your present and create your future.


Warmest Regards,

Tania Gabrielle