On March 26, a lovely, joyous conjunction between Venus and the Sun brightens the week:

  • Venus conjunct Sun merges LOVE and LIGHT.
  • You are invited to appreciate the good, lovely, pleasurable, uplifting things in life.

Sun conjunct Venus brings love, peace, harmony and beauty, with a focus on your intimate relationships, creativity and abundance.

This charming, pleasant, affectionate union signifies pleasure, enjoyment and comfort.

First and foremost this is an incredible opportunity to release negative emotions and embrace positivity.

Unmanaged emotions can interfere with happiness.

Negative emotions and joy are not compatible.

You can have on or the other, but not both.

Emotional mastery requires commitment:

A dedication to being vigilant about your emotional state moment by moment.

Otherwise not much will change.

This Sun/Venus conjunction in ARIES beckons you to ACT on creating happiness and joy. Peace and joy begin at home…

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. With the stimulating changes in play now, energy is shifting rapidly – and you can take advantage of the dynamic opportunities by deepening your commitment to manifesting positive outcomes in your life.One of the best ways is to discover how you are PERSONALLY designed to attract fortune and fulfillment! All is revealed in Your Jupiter Wealth Code.