Donald Trump.png

On January 8 a news story about
Donald Trump's plan to run for President caught my attention.


Of course Trump is a household
name, the most important first factor for a Presidential run. But something
else struck me as well.


Donald Trump's personal Wealth
Formula was fully activated on that day – 1/8/11.


Everyone has a special Wealth


Yours is a set of at least two
numbers, personal to you. When you consciously or unconsciously activate these
numbers, your chances for creating wealth and prosperity are much greater.


Donald Trump is an example of
someone who knows how to activate his personal Wealth Formula subconsciously.


But most people need help.


And that is where your Wealth
Formula becomes so vital to success.


You also have a Poverty Formula. Which,
of course does the opposite.


People who attract wealth into
their lives, whether it is purely material or a balance of inner and outer
prosperity, have activated their personal Wealth Formula on some deep level.


Figuring out what your own Wealth
Formula is can take some time.


Your sequence is derived from
understanding the frequencies and numbers in both your Personal Numerology
Blueprint and your astrological chart.


The resultant special code, unique
only to you, is your personal Wealth Formula.


Once you know your formula, you
can use these powerful numbers to generate prosperity and happiness in your
life. Anytime. Anywhere.


Your formula also explains HOW to
translate your talents into wealth.


Donald Trump's wealth formula
shows that he must build and head an empire, live like a king and engage the
media at every turn. The formula him perfectly and shows how he was able to
rise above all obstacles and come out winning every time.


Trump's Wealth Formula is unique
only to him.


Wouldn't you like to know what your
personal Wealth Formula is?


The ancients have known this
formula for millennia. The royals and many of the wealthy elite have been using
this secret for centuries. Now, for the first time ever, you can learn one of
the most important keys to wealth and happiness.


It all happens during the
Prosperity Power Seminar. For three days in April I will be sharing this
incredible tool for the first time.


Not only that.


You will also find out what your
poverty numbers are. These are frequencies you must transcend when they appear
in the events and people in your life.


So join me in three months for the
one-time-only “Prosperity Power Seminar”.


Get all the important details here.


I look forward to sharing with you
all the tools you need to create your own prosperous empire.





P.S. Word about the seminar is
filling seats fast. This will be an intense, life-changing event with lots of
one-on-one attention. If you are ready to transform yourself into a Wealth Magnet,
then register now.