Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 10.30.59 PMAugust 25th births a highly spiritual Virgo New Moon at 2 degrees.

Virgo is an earthy, practical, fertile sign and the natural ruler of the 6th house in astrology. This house governs your health, your work environment, daily habits and how you nourish yourself through nutrition and exercise every day. The 6th house is the house of Service.

How are you putting your gifts into service?

What are you contributing to making this world a better place?

(The nature of your area of service is revealed in the sign and the degree number ruling your OWN 6th house in your astrology birth chart.)

Are you paying attention to your health?When you FEEL good, when you are healthy, you are STRONG. You are invincible. You are energized. You feel abundant and nothing can stop you.

This Virgo New Moon is unlocking and expanding your intuitive powers as the Sun and Moon are in opposition to dreamy Neptune in Pisces at 6 degrees.

So the stable, balanced, grounded Virgo New Moon is being expanded and challenged by the highly creative, subconscious, spiritual planet Neptune.

When Neptune touches the Moon and Sun in an important transit, there is a stronger desire to be alone and even to escape. Don’t be surprised now and in the coming month if you yearn for a time-out, want to travel, delve deeply into your spiritual life and the nature of your divinity, or dissolve parts of yourself, including unconscious emotions.

Neptune dissolves all boundaries, and so it’s easy to lose perspective and possibly get confused or feel disillusioned – this is especially true, if you are not nurturing your soul.

Fortunately at the exact time of this New Moon, Mars and Saturn are forming a powerful conjunction at 17/8 degrees. This is really going to help you stay grounded.

Any contact between Mars and Saturn makes you get real about your life. You’re gaining clarity now about the people in your life and the direction you are taking.

Mars and Saturn infuse your life with energy and commitment, making it a great time to focus on an intense, important project. And at 17 degrees, what you place your energy on now will leave a lasting impact. This is a fabulous abundance-generation code.

Yes, Mars can be aggressive and Saturn can sloooow things down.

So, be patient. You might get stopped for a day or so. That’s ok – you’ll see that you really accomplished a lot.

Of course, you do need to know HOW to put your gifts into service.

This Virgo New Moon is the PERFECT time to gain a deep understanding into how you can serve the world

Click here to unlock the secrets in your soul's code.

Happy Virgo New Moon!

Much Love,



P.S. I’ll be sharing exciting news with you on Wednesday…