Your Wealthy Name Code

Your Current Name is your soul’s calling card. It adds up to a special number that is either fortunate or attracting challenges. Avoid unnecessary obstacles in your life by making sure your current name adds up to a fortunate number. If your name needs to be respelled, Tania will give you at least two new fortunate versions to choose from. This report is also a fantastic tool to accelerate wealth creation in your business, website, product names and book titles.

Your Jupiter Wealth Code

Your astrology birth chart reveals a powerful astro-numerology secret about how you personally attract wealth. This secret is uncovered in your Jupiter Code. Your Jupiter Code describes the traits, environment and qualities you must develop and activate to step into unlimited prosperity. Altogether there are three Jupiter sectors in your astrology birth chart – they describe how you cultivate fortunate opportunities and naturally magnify abundance in your life. Your 3 Jupiter sectors make up Your Jupiter Wealth Code. Now you can find out what Your Jupiter Wealth Code is, what it means, and how you can activate it!

Your Soul Code Forecast

A powerful one-year personal forecast helping you to plan and leverage your goals for the next 12 months. Your personalized report begins the month you place your order and continues through the same month the following year (as in May 2017 – May 2018). BONUS: Special list of your most Fortunate Personal Days for every month so you know precisely when to plan important events and take advantage of your personal abundance manifestation days!

Personal Numerology Blueprint

This in-depth blueprint unveils the secrets in your birthday and birth-name code, detailing the nature of your soul, your special gifts, your career environment, how you relate to others, and where you naturally feel most fulfilled and empowered. Your Personal Numerology Blueprint contains elaborate descriptions of:
1. Your Life Purpose Number
2. Your Destiny Number
3. Your Soul Number
4. Your Inner Dream/Personality Number
5. Your Day of Birth Number
6. Your Essence and Wisdom Numbers
7. Your Intensifications
8. The Three Numerology Triads in your Blueprint

Abundance Blueprint

You were born with a unique name and numbers’ code unveiling your soul's true gifts and mission. This code also reveals hidden challenges which can block you from manifesting lasting abundance and true fulfillment. In your Abundance Blueprint you'll discover how you may be unconsciously repelling wealth and then you'll receive powerful and specific personal remedies to tap into your Abundance Attraction Code. With this empowering blueprint you will *break free* and discover how to ACTIVATE the magic and success in your birth code.