Astro-Cartography Reading

Have you noticed you tend to feel better and more relaxed in some locations than others?  Do you know your most fortunate places to live? Whether you are traveling or at home, there will be certain places that feel like a good fit – and others not so much, where something is missing. There’s a good reason!

  • Astro-cartography is a divine cosmic mapping tool to help you find locations that will support you.

Using your personal Astro-cartography map you can find the most harmonious areas in the world to live and visit. The planetary lines drawn on your astro-cartography map are superimposed from you astrology birth chart. These “lines” cover the Earth and reveal permanent locations that feel wonderful, neutral or challenging to you.

Amazingly, your Astro-Cartography map is a living map as well! Just like your birth chart, there are the permanent lines and then there are temporary lines that consistently move across the globe. This means you can PLAN ahead accordingly!

  • Knowing your permanent and future astro-cartography lines is an immense benefit for both relocation and travel.

You’ll avoid unnecessary problems by not traveling to certain areas and only focus on visiting those locations that favor ease and harmony in your life.

First, it is important to know whether the location you live in now is a positive one for you personally especially regarding love, health, career, abundance and joy. Fortunately your personal Astrocartography map provides the answers!

  • Your star code will naturally guide you to the most positive locations.

  • Choose to live in a “happy place” that will support abundance and joy, love, greater energy and wonderful outcomes.

Once you’re aware of which planetary line(s) you live close to and what they mean for your life, the next question is – where is that planet in your birth chart, and what kind of connections, if any, does that planet make to other planets or angles in your chart? This will greatly define the experience you have in that location!

During your profoundly in-depth Astro-Cartography reading we'll focus on both your permanent lines and temporary lines and how they activate your natal chart – plus I’ll guide you through any other questions you have.

And, if you have a partner, there’s an option to check their Astro-cartography to find the best locations that elevate BOTH of you.

**Once you register for your reading and submit your birth information I will create your Personal Star Code Map comprised of your Astrology-Numerology Birth Charts, Astro-Cartography World maps and your Astro-Numerology Forecast Charts.

AstroCartography Reading – One Person


AstroCartography Reading – Couple (2 People)

**You and your partner will both receive a personal Star Code Map.


Thank you so much Tania!! I booked an AstroCartography reading due to a huge life move to another state and leaving our home of 28 years. Feeling a bit anxious and in need of a little help from the universe I was looking for some kind of sign that we were making the right move. It’s a huge deal moving to a whole new state and there’s always some second-guessing.

That’s were Tania’s Expertise came in. An expert in the field of Numbers, Astrology & Vibrations, Tania looked at all my personal information and was able to make my new home number more of a vibrational match to our energies. 👍👍 She shared many insights on fortuitous Major astrological lines running through the new area for me.
Tania gave me that extra confidence I needed to move forward with greater ease validating we were totally on track.

Tania is one of those little golden nuggets of life. I highly recommended a session with this modern day Mystic!

💗 Rhonda

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