Happy New Year! 2023 has officially launched!

And what a New Year’s Day it is in the Stars and Numbers… giving us wonderful instructions on how to be present now with grace.

  • Venus conjuncts Pluto on January 1, 2023.
  • 1.2023 adds up to a 9 Universal Date.

Love, Passion, deep Release and New Birth stimulate profound connection.

Pluto’s main gift is to help empower yourself.

To begin, see where you dis-empower yourself, release that conditioning and feel connected now.

Give all of yourself and you will be accepted as yourself.

Venus conjunct Pluto’s message is to learn to love the shadow part of yourself – your wounding, your ego, your secrets – the veil you withhold from the world.

Venus and Pluto are merging at 27° Capricorn.

  • Mercury stationed retrograde in Capricorn at the very end of the year.
  • Capricorn is the “take responsibility” sign.

How many thoughts are you entertaining in your mind that you are not creating in this moment right now?

Recognize the difference between thoughts that you are creating and the thoughts you have attached to that are in your subconscious.

Notice random thoughts that pop into your head will tend to devalue you.

Thoughts generated in this moment now, and never existed before, are pro-active and only deal with what is needed presently.

That eliminates worried thoughts, judgmental thoughts, thoughts of lack and limitation…the thoughts you have learn to control.

We tend to be in our minds all the time, which prevents us from being present in this moment right now  – until we control the mind.

Venus conjunct Pluto ignites passion and deep affection.

Begin the New Year by neutralizing thoughts that just pop into your head out of nowhere (which are not generated in this moment) by being fully present right now.

Right now is where your breath is.

Your breath is your power – not your mind.

When your mind wanders, take control.

Here’s to a beautiful you and a wonderful 2023!

Love Light Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Get your 2023 Personal Sun, Moon and Rising Sign forecast, Personal Year forecast, and the detailed 2023 Universal Star Code Guide – plus my secret list of most fortunate Astro-Numerology days in 2023!

All is unveiled in the 9th annual Ultimate Yearly Forecast online seminar.

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