Today I have a big announcement to make. First, I want you to put this date and time into your calendar.
On Thursday, August 23 at 2 PM EST time, I will be special guest on a wonderful internet radio show. I’ll give you more details as we get into next week. Take it from me – I will be talking to an incredible host about Pythagorean Numerology and its effect on people’s lives. Plus, I will be giving short numerology readings.
So you will be able to talk to me in person. On air.
Speaking of the word AIR, it totals 19/10. 10 is about endless energy and bounty of God.
Zero symbolizes the fullness of all possibilities and broadens and elevates the 1 energy. The 0 represents the whole universe. When added to a digit, such as 1, it does not change the value but raises it, making it more mature. Adding a 0 to 1 through 9 gives the vibration a higher, more universal perspective.
This includes any number from 10 to 90.
Next to a 1, the 0 accentuates courage. Number 1 symbolizes a flame. It radiates fire and is strong and independent.
The 10 vibration is about fresh ideas and new concepts. Whether a gentle breeze caresses your skin or a strong gust of wind makes you wake up and take notice, air reaches within and connects you with the universe.
In the same way, when a show is ‘On Air’ whether on TV or on radio, is a way to connect people to each other and share a moment together.
Knowing your Pythagorean Numerology Blueprint in time for next week’s radio show will put you way ahead of the game. I only have two slots left before my trip to Europe in eight days, so go and order yours Now.
With Warm Regards,
Tania Gabrielle French