A couple of days ago I read about Marie Osmond’s fainting spell on “Dancing With The Stars.”
Marie and her dance partner Jonathan Roberts had just finished performing a samba. They were listening to judges’ comments when she buckled.
In my experience, the main cause of fainting is fear. I’m sure she was incredibly nervous and afraid of how the judges might criticize her. She even said, “once in a while that happens to me when I get winded. I stop breathing.” That will do it.
So how is it that this former TV star and singer got back into the media spotlight this year?
She’s in a 14 personal year.
Her 14 year is ALL about the media spotlight – anything having to do with media-related matters. Her fainting spell magnified the spotlight. She’s being talked about by people who would have otherwise never known what she’s up to – like me. All this year she’s had to deal with competition, like “Dancing With the Stars” as well as profitable business dealings.
However there is a risk of business and property loss. Social as well as family obligations will activate strange circumstances. Again, her fainting spell was a little strange, to say the least.
Why does some of this sound contradictory?
14 breaks down to a 5. And the number 5 is about Freedom, Transformation and Change. It is the middle number, centered between 1 and 9. It is a pivotal number – the image of the 5 even sits on a pivot, with the upper half looking right and the lower half looking left.
Change can mean turmoil as well as opportunity. It also means contact with people, often lots of people. One thing she’ll be urged to do it to slow down and consider her previous behavior.
When you’re in a 5 year, life can feel like a rollercoaster. The good thing is this. You can’t control the day you were born and the name you were given at birth. Those are set in stone.
But you CAN control your current name.
By putting together all the pieces in the puzzle – what you were given at birth and what you can change now – you take full control of your life. This is why your personal Pythagorean Numerology Blueprint is such a valuable document.
Nothing else out there tells you about your gifts and THEN allows you to make use of them in the best way possible. By making sure your name adds up to a fortunate vibration.
So get your Pythagorean Numerology Blueprint Now before another opportunity slips you by.
With Warm Regards,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. Members of the Pythagorean Club can ask me about their Personal Year, Months and Power Days during every monthly teleseminar. Plan your most important events and find out what you can expect in 2008. Sign up today.