February, 2022 is here – a very special month!

2.2022 creates a palindrome, an intensification.

  • It is the only time this century that all the numbers in a date are the same (except for 0).

There are three days in February that add more 2’s to the equation.

2.2.2022 (Today)



All are significant. All are tied into the current cosmic themes in play:

  • A fork in the road
  • Big shifts
  • Changes in direction

2 represents a choice between one way or the other.

It also represents unity – 2 sides of the same coin.

You always have a choice to either be swept up in the drama and be triggered – and activating your fear programming – OR to feel at Peace, no matter what arises.

22 is the master number of Peace.

When you are fully present in this moment, you feel peaceful. Nothing can sway you, nothing will trigger you.

Anytime a fearful story shows up in the collective or for you personally, you will clearly see that you have a choice to buy into the story, or to say no.

During these tremendous times of transformation, there are those who use control and manipulation to gain power. It goes without saying that they do not want you to feel at peace and empowered.

They will spin stories to get you to judge, disdain and disrespect others, and ultimately yourself.

Their goal is to stir up energy. Their goal is to create fear.

Take your energy back.

The many 2’s in 2022, and in particular starting this 2nd month, represent a crossroads.

Many choices will be made. Many decisions. Moment to moment.

The awakening arises from your ability to remain calm.

2 is the number of kindness, diplomacy, respect, compassion, observation, understanding and peace.

Being grounded and present in the moment allows you to observe.

Asking what you need to know, what changes you need to make, what frequency to feel within you – this will help you not to get triggered.

You will emit the Light of Peace for others.

So February begins this very strong surge of change.

And, since on February 3 Mercury stations direct and ALL planets will be in direct motion for nearly three months, the rapid changes will continue through April.

Merlin talked about the “out-of-the-blue” shifts for this month – they are here.

180 degree shifts in the opposite direction.

On February 20th Pluto returns to its birth place in the United States astrology chart. This is the 248-year return for Pluto – the first one.

  • Pluto represents transformation.
  • Pluto symbolizes Purging. Power. Presence.

So, being present means that you allow the future to unfold without you wanting to control the outcome.

It also means to leave the past behind.

This will calm your nervous system.

And as a result you’ll be able to hear the divinely inspired call-to-action in any given moment, and heed it.

  • You trust that you are
  • You trust that you are always taken care of.
  • You trust that all is well.

Your immunes system benefits.

Your energy levels will be higher.

You will feel lighter!

Discover much more about February’s wonderful star code formations! Go and listen to this free excerpt from February’s edition of the comprehensive monthly Premium Wealth Forecast.

Listen to free excerpt for February HERE!

Love and Abundant Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle
