A deeply compassionate Full Moon in Aries blesses us on September 29, opening the 11 portal into love.

It is exact at Aries (Moon) and Libra (Sun) – 6 is the number of love, healing and your home.

The Moon also symbolizes all home and family related matters, so the emphasis on new beginnings (Aries is the first sign) regarding love and home are major.

With the Sun in Libra, ruled by Venus, balance, pleasure and harmony are emphasized.

And Mars, the ruler of this Aries Full Moon, carries extra fortunate qualities… Mars is sextile to Venus creating a magnificent union to cement the fortunate impact of this special full moon.

Two oppositions – Mars opposite Chiron and Mercury opposite Neptune – make this full moon extra intense!

Much will need to be brought into balance…

Calming music will be especially healing.

And, due to the Moon and Sun, having a sacred place with beautiful scents, flowers and art will help to keep your heart in harmony.

It’s an opportunity to focus on what truly feels joyful and passionate to you.

What stimulates your creative juices and how can you express that creativity with the most pleasure...

And, with Mars and Venus both activated by the Moon in ARIES (Mars) and Sun in LIBRA (Venus), plus that gorgeous harmonious sextile between Venus and Mars, it is the perfect time to discover more about the magic of Mars and Venus!

Enjoy the free webinar, “Venus and Mars: Balancing the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine”.

Click here to get instant access.

May you have a magnificent, magical Aries Full Moon!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. This free training contains secrets about Venus and Mars and the tremendous changes for Humanity in play now. Get instant access here!