An opposition between Mercury and Uranus at powerful 8 degrees in play now is supporting your desire to transcend lower vibrational urges and embrace exquisite high vibrational living.

Mercury, symbolizing the practical mind of thoughts, words and communication, is getting clarity by balancing with Uranus, the inspired universal mind.

We are learning to BALANCE the lower and higher minds.

This balance is absolutely necessary to maintain your conscious alignment with the Divine Light at all times.

  • Thoughts (lower mind) are great for navigating the practical part of the human experience.
  • However, thoughts are NOT intended to guide, interpret or qualify your feelings.
  • Only your intuitive senses can feel the truth in the present moment.

Have you noticed, if you get attached to thoughts and words, you create suffering?

Mercury square Uranus is pointing out the pain created when you invest emotional energy on your thoughts.

Words often automatically generate an emotional response when they are spoken or read.

But words are not meant to be translated into feelings.

Words can never hurt you – unless you INVEST emotionally in them. Unless you believe the words you hear, instead of just listening to them without attachment.

  • When you stop believing other people’s words, you stop being hurt.

They can say anything about you – put you down or praise you – and you will remain untouched.

This is the art of living in eternal peace.

Mercury’s square to Uranus is pointing out our tendency to invest heavily in thoughts and words, which are only meant to help you navigate the human experience. Investing emotionally in your thoughts makes you vulnerable to how thoughts are spun, creating a spell…

Soon you attribute the spell to your feelings:

Once words you invest in make you feel a certain way (good or bad), you start believing them.

You take your feelings as truth (belief).

However, your feelings are not proof that the lie is true.

Yet, you go on believing – and your belief is so strong that you then have that experience, causing even greater confusion.

For example, let’s say you are exposed to thoughts and words that are born of hatred, and you invest in those words. You will start having feelings of hatred. Eventually your feelings turn into beliefs which can become so strong that you make decisions from that dark energy vibration.

You have made a vibrational decision that was programmed initially through words you heard.

We can be programmed in many different ways.

Mercury opposite Uranus – balance of the lower and higher mind – is a powerful call to consciously undo that programming.

  • Whatever vibration you invested will match the outcome.

If your actions arose out of fear, you will experience a vibrational match that is mirrored in the outcome.

So direct your energy with great discernment.

Speak and act only once you feel LOVE. (Notice that you can’t think Love!)

What would happen if you STOPPED believing those thoughts? Stopped investing in the words you hear?

What is left?





So take a moment today to create space between your thoughts and your actions.

This space will be especially important now in the final weeks of the year, as we move into the Aquarian Age and the incredible year of 2021 – a bridge between the 20th and 21st centuries –designed for us to transcend fear and division and embrace freedom and joy.

To support you in this amazing awakening, be sure you register for the powerful 2021 Ultimate Yearly Forecast.

We just added is a brand new Fast Action Bonus:

These highly fortunate days are simultaneous intensifications in both the Astrology and Numerology Star codes.

You'll not see this fortunate star code list anywhere else. Use it in 2021 to plan successful outcomes…

Discount tickets are still available.

Get all the details HERE.

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. I’ll also be sharing 2021 forecasts for your Personal Year, Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign, plus you can ask me questions. We'll be recording the whole presentation, so no worries if you can’t make it “live”, you’ll have access to the replay.

Get all the details, bonuses and your special Discount HERE!
