A gorgeous opportunity is unfolding in the stars to help you align with positive flowing energy.

Just hours from now, on Thursday August 18, two benefic or mostly beneficial planets, Jupiter and Venus, are going to be creating an exact trine.

  • Venus trine Jupiter with both planets at 8°.
  • 18.2022 adds up to a 23 Universal Date – the Royal Star of the Lion.

Both 8 and 23 are the super strong leadership, courage and manifestation numbers in numerology.

And a “trine” in astrology creates optimal energy flow.

What a wonderful astro-numerology code!

You are filled with optimism and joy.

You are inspired to feel positive about your life and future.

It’s much easier to set aside worries and trust in the divine goodness.

Any disharmony in relationships can be addressed and healed.

Romance and fun are wonderfully activated too!

  • Venus embodies magnetism, beauty and attraction, while Jupiter is connected to joy, fortunate outcomes and wealth, so their trine creates a magnificent opening for manifesting abundance.

And that’s not all… Jupiter is in ARIES and Venus in LEO – both are fire signs!

This means you are fired up to go for it NOW!

Fire burns quickly, so be sure to take advantage of the lovely, lucky energy…

  • Passionate engagement creates rapid results.

Gifts are always available to you at any given moment, and now you REALIZE how true that is.

Struggle will only get you so far, and usually results in exhaustion… this is one of those moments you become aware that you have a choice.

The choice is to TRUST in divine timing, trust in yourself that you are awake and aware to adapt with the changes.

In order be in alignment with this flowing, positive manifestation energy, you have to TAKE ACTION.

Venus trine Jupiter in fire signs is undoubtedly inspiring you to go for it!

There’s a divine cheering squad rooting for you!

The truth is:

Your actions will send the signal to the universe that you ARE in alignment with divine timing, that you trust in it, and that you are taking concrete steps to embrace it (while making course corrections along the way).

As you SUSTAIN that frequency, opportunities start showing up.

So, focus on being in alignment with the frequency you want and then keep coming back to your dream.

Put it out there.

Don’t get fixated on what it looks like – the form it will take. You can limit yourself if you’re set on an exact outcome.

(After all, YOU are growing and changing, which means that a particular outcome you so want may not be a good fit anymore…)

  • Act on the frequency you want without attachment to the form it will take.

The act of making a choice about which frequency you want brings you back into the present  and you start embodying that frequency.

That’s how you create and play with your future…

Act now! Miracles are unfolding rapidly, as embodied by this magnificent Venus/Jupiter fire trine.

A wonderful way to benefit from the Venus/Jupiter blessings is to make sure you have a FORTUNATE current name. The spelling of your current name resonates to a specific number which is either fortunate or challenging.

  • People with challenging current name numbers are more prone to activate the “shadow side” in people and situations – attracting difficulty and delays.

Contrast that to a fortunate current name which provides you optimal support towards manifesting a life of abundance and joy.

It is the first thing I check with a new client!

Get your fortunate name report HERE.

Joyful Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. With so much positive energy releasing us from past ways and bringing about a collective shift into a positive, abundant future, there’s no better time than now to check the vibration of your current name.

  • The name you are using right now (personal or business) resonates to a VERY SPECIFIC frequency – I’ll calculate your current name to see if it is fortunate or challenging.
  • Most current names are challenging – in which case you'll receive two FORTUNATE current name spellings.
  • With a fortunate current name your life will be more effortless, flowing.
  • You'll attract supportive events and people.
  • More opportunities will appear – and at the PERFECT time.
  • Doors will open that were formerly closed.
  • You can use your fortunate name spelling right away to SHIFT your life!

Get your current name checked here.
