Happy Autumn Equinox and Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere.

Today at 3:20 pm EST (12:20 pm PST) the Sun crosses the equator and our day and night are of EQUAL length.

No matter where you live, it’s the time of year where all is in supreme balance…

September 22 invokes the number of peace and balance.

In 2022 we will be immersed in a full year of peace – the awakening of inner harmony and stillness.

The Equinox provides this experience of Oneness.

  • Oneness is just another word for the Divine Intelligence behind all life.

There is an incomprehensible intelligence inspires and infuses all our experiences!

We are reminded during these precious moments that the Oneness is not separate from you. You experience a glimpse of this infinite intelligence when you are at peace and in a state of spontaneous creation.

Our lives on Earth are a miracle.

And the Divine Intelligence is just as unfathomable!

You are life, and life is being lived by you in your own special way.

You are meant to bring a unique experience to the Divine – to this mysterious force.

22, the Architect of Peace number, nurtures a life of inner stillness, where you can sense that your body-mind is not actually who you are… and that you are actually life experiencing itself.

  • You are life, and you are infinite!
  • You are Divine Consciousness.

LOVE and GOODNESS are your true natural state of being.

Though this truth may not appear to be the case at times… that is an illusion.

Fortunately, the mirage is being lifted now.

Just like a cloudy day doesn’t mean that blue skies have disappeared, the truth about Love and Goodness is not an illusion. That blue sky is always there and its nature does not change – only the clouds change.

So, trust the truth about life.

Of course, we can get caught up in the illusion created by thoughts, feelings and desires, because that’s part of being human.

But once you truly know the Truth, you can’t be fooled in the same way.

You’ll only stay in the illusion (fear, pain, separation) for so long… because you KNOW there is a gorgeous blue sky behind the clouds, and that the blue sky, just like the Truth, will be seen clearly again.

The Equinox – symbol of Oneness – is a reminder that all of life is unfolding beautifully.

Notice how your body feels when you surrender into relaxation. Your body knows all is unfolding just perfectly, and that this is never not the case.

So, take this Equinox moment to not try to change the way things are, so you can melt into the exquisiteness of who you really are.

Just stay still…

You’ll notice the programming that causes you to see lack instead of fulfillment, creating an inner tension that leads to suffering and a desire to fix your experience – instead of just being present.

It is only when you are NOT captured by the ego, that all you have left is peace.

May the Peace be with you!

In Love and Light,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Your heart naturally yearns for peace, harmony, beauty and abundance. Venus governs all that is affectionate, prosperous, pleasurable and beautiful. How you utilize your own Venus design is revealed in Your Venus Code.  

Discover Your Venus Code here!
