The pivotal Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8 will profoundly shift us from the inside out.

An empowering double 8:8 code of leadership, courage and abundance is activated (November is an 8 Universal Month, the eclipse is exact on November 8).

So, you taking responsibility for ALL happening in your life sets you free to take ownership of it.

Any thought will manifest when you put life energy into it.

So, when you feel triggered, ask – “do I need this thought”?

See what part of what’s playing out in your life right now is a thought from the past that has manifested this situation now.

Taurus is a patient, persistent, dependable sign, encouraging you to progress step-by-step and take time to smell the roses.

At the same time there are many unexpected energies surrounding this eclipse.

So those steady Taurus qualities will support you as change-agent URANUS creates an exact conjunction to the MOON – while both planets are opposite the Sun, Mercury,Venus stellium – thus attracting exciting, sweeping changes that will ultimately awaken you.

It requires profound levels of love and acceptance of situations and people as they ARE, by detaching from beliefs and surrendering your opinions.

If you are triggered or experiencing a challenging situation, ask Source to:

  • Help me navigate this adversity.
  • Help me bring forth greater awareness, strength, knowing.

Rather than – “please don’t have this person feel this or please don’t have this happen.”

When you base your internal harmony and happiness on other people’s actions, you are separating yourself from Source.

So to stay in harmony focus only on your breath.

In any situation, see your OWN response, your OWN feelings as the only thing that matters – the only thing in your control.

Then you can help others deal with their stuff.

And, once you give your life to helping others, you realize – it’s all perfect.

  • You leave others to live their life.
  • You don’t have any interest in interfering or changing them.
  • You are just there for them as a reflection, a mirror.

That’s what full moons and full moon eclipses encourage – interaction.

Interaction from an awakened, detached, neutral place.

  • Detachment and neutrality do not mean you are being cold or uncaring.
  • It means that no one has the power over you where they unconsciously or consciously can manipulate your thought process.

Interacting without emotionalizing is the big awakener for all of us now.

Especially while the Sun, Venus and Mercury are in Scorpio, a deeply sensitive water sign, and a sign of truth that governs empowerment or disempowerment, control over others or self control.

So, not emotionalizing is the big breakthrough, even though you may come across as too confronting or to-the-point.

(More on point is the truth!)

Being frank is part of the Taurus-Scorpio experience… and we are now culminating the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle.

Not beating around the bush, not sugarcoating things, not skirting deep or taboo topics for fear of embarrassment – that is what will set you free to focus on what matters, not on what your thoughts are worried about.

If you want to change where you are, embrace where you are.

If you want to be set free, surrender to the Divine Will.

You can only do this when you are emotionally neutral.

Train yourself to be TRULY in this moment.

Training yourself to be present is critical.

All else flows from there…

Many Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. During these next days nurture your HEART. Dive deeply into Love, Surrender and Liberation in the new free Masterclass, “How To Master Your Stars: The Truth About Taking Your Power Back.”

This masterclass will inspire you to free yourself from everything that is superficial – and reclaim your magnificent life!

Get instant access here!
