Pluto moves direct tomorrow – on 10.10 in the Americas and 10.11 elsewhere in the world.

With Mars square Pluto exact right beforehand, we have entered an especially intense period of change, transformation and shift.

The inner awakening is definitely intensifying.

One thing about Pluto is that it brings up what is unconscious.

Pluto shines the light on the TRUTH of the behavior and thought patterns that have kept us in the dark.

There is day and there’s night.

There is the light of Truth and the darkness of deception.

Darkness brings great illumination.

Because when it’s dark outside and look at the sky, you are awed and humbled at what you are apart of…

The truth is the whole picture, not just the mind’s point of view of what happened or will happen.

The truth includes the whole truth, a higher perspective, the soul’s perspective, which is something many often don’t have access to.

They don’t see the whole picture…the true purpose an event might be serving for the soul.

  • Every event serves the soul.

To be at peace with life, this needs to be acknowledged.

Pluto’s movement into direct motion tomorrow opens up spiritual and intuitive pathways that will guide you with strength, courage and inner resolve.

You will release and forgive more quickly and effortlessly, and embrace making highly conscious decisions.

It helps to know your own code of joy and fortune!

Jupiter’s placement in your birth chart reveals your 3 personal wealth and happiness activators.

To help you stay in the flow, feel the goodness in all things and leverage opportunities, discover how you are personally designed to manifest abundance and fulfillment on ALL levels.

Click here to discover your Jupiter Wealth Code!

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. If there is one planet aligned with fortunate shifts, abundance and joyful outcomes, it is Jupiter – making this a wonderful time to discover your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones. Discover how you naturally manifest abundance and happiness.

All is revealed in Your Jupiter Wealth Code… click here!