Powerful Pluto is creating cosmic news headlines once again… this time in a profound way with Mercury!

  • On June 11 Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini.
  • On the SAME day Pluto retrogrades from Aquarius back into Capricorn.
  • So… Pluto will be in a harmonious TRINE to Mercury at the exact moment that Pluto moves from 00° into 29° Capricorn and Mercury moves from 29° Taurus into 00° Gemini.

This sets up a highly positive “Zero-Point” Shift of profound discoveries.

A major awakening about the great impact of your thoughts and words on your well being – or lack thereof, is very real.

Mercury governs communication and the mind.

Pluto symbolizes the unconscious and your deepest feelings.

  • Mercury is curious and Pluto empowering.
  • Thus, Mercury trine Pluto creates big AHA moments… received through your heightened intuition.

You get new, refreshing and profound answers.

Conversations are deepened.

And with the simultaneous change of signs at zero-point degree numbers, major shifts can occur as a direct result of discovering the Truth.

This is heightened by the June 11 date – 11 is the master number of living in the present moment – the teacher and Psychic Master.

Any shift only happens Now, in THIS moment.

Play, creativity, feeling only happens NOW.

  • The impact of words is especially made clear now in a way that will bring major epiphanies.

In fact, understanding the power of words is the consciousness shift taking place within all of us now…

And, as Pluto continues to cross back and forth from the late degrees of Capricorn into 00° Aquarius over the next 17 months, situations bringing breakthroughs and answers will continue to multiply.

Transformation arising from Truth is the big theme in all our lives.

For more on this epic Awakening, watch the FREE webinar – “How To Master Your Stars: The Truth About Taking Your Power Back”.

You'll be able to use the secrets right away to manifest successful shifts!

Click here to get instant access.

Joyful Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. This free masterclass will inspire you to relinquish everything that is superficial – and reclaim your magnificent, abundant life!

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