On March 20th Universal Time (late on March 19 in the Americas) everywhere on Earth will be in supreme balance.

  • The Equinox is the moment the Sun crosses the equator and our day and night are of EQUAL length.
  • No matter where on Earth you live, the Aries Equinox marks the exact beginning of the astrological year.

The cycle of Earth’s movement around the Sun symbolizes light and darkness (equinox), and birth and death (solstice).

At 00° Aries (the first sign) this Equinox begins a new zodiacal year and a new season – Spring in the northern hemisphere, Autumn in the southern hemisphere.

The Sun moves into Aries, the first sign.

What a perfect moment for setting your intentions – especially in 2024 as you’ll see in the new Star Codes Podcast!

Most equinoxes occur on the 20th of March or 20th of September Universal time.

The Astrology and Numerology are beautifully synchronized…

20 reduces to 2 – number of Balance, symbol of equal day/equal night, representing both sides, echoing the meaning of the astrological Equinox.

The start of a new season is also echoed in the 00° degree of Aries, representing the zero-point – where nothing exists and everything is about to be born.

So, BOTH the astrology and numerology express a profound message of harmony at the moment that a new cycle is born.

This year we have the added benefit that March 2024 is an 11 Universal Month.

11 is a master number of balance.

11 reduces to 2!

Just like March 2024 adds up to a 11 Universal Month cycle of double new beginnings, YOU have a map of codes – your personal year, personal month and personal day cycles – that unfold continuously throughout your life.

You can leverage your current codes at any time – IF you have your personal map and understand the meaning of each cycle!

For example, whenever you are experiencing an 11 Personal Month OR Year, opportunities for a fresh start will infuse all parts of your life, propelling you to explore exciting new experiences you may NOT have welcomed or even noticed until now.

The truth is, knowing your personal cycles will separate you from having an average month versus 12 GREAT months of consistent growth and fulfillment!

Get your future forecast in Your Next 12 Months Blueprint here!

The magic doesn't stop there…

  • Your Personal Power Days are listed for every month for the next year… these are your fortunate days every month to manifest at the highest levels.
  • Use this secret list to schedule important events and launches.

Discover your powerful personal numerology forecast for the next 12 months, and align with the roadmap designed by your SOUL.

For Your Next 12 Months Blueprint click here now!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle