For the next two days – including tomorrow’s New Moon – 6 planets (out of 10) will be in the sign of Aquarius!

Buckle your seats and enjoy the ride into outer space. Space and time will feel unusual as you expand your experience and feel the eternal spirit within you! 

Miracle of miracles…

Jupiter and Venus are exactly conjunct during this powerful celestial meet-up, sprinkling bliss, blessings and love into the mix.

Your soul is basking in these exquisite vibrations.

Feel the energy surge as you catapult into timelessness and bypass the “usual” – by choosing to explore the unknown…where all miracles live.

  • You are divine, as is all creation.
  • To the divine every expression of life is beautiful.
  • Life is sacred and a magnificent gift.

You are in everything, and everything is in you.

Yes, you are temporarily experiencing the human form… but you are not only human, so acknowledge the presence of the divine within you at all times.

Use this amazing Aquarius magnification as an opportunity to explore what being human on Earth feels like – while being aware that the Divine is living through you, making choices and using your physical body.

See your life as an adventure for your Soul.

This is fun! This is interesting!

This stellium of planets in the sign of freedom, Aquarius, during our 5 Universal Year is an invitation for you to experience anything you could imagine.

And Jupiter’s conjunction with Venus is a crowning expression of the energy in play on Earth now – expanding and encouraging your capacity to experience love, peace, beauty and joy.

You can discover Jupiter’s impact in personal Star Code too – the placement of Jupiter reveals how you naturally express happiness, fulfillment and abundance.

It’s a great time to understand and activate your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones.

Discover how you are designed to magnify joy, abundance, well-being and pleasure!

All is revealed in Your Jupiter Wealth Code… click here.

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle
