Mercury retrograde begins TODAY, May 10th – in the middle of Eclipse Season!

The intensity factor is even more magnified with Mercury’s presence in Gemini, Mercury’s HOME sign.

  • This powerful Mercury retrograde starts on May 10th at

Both and the May 10 Universal Day activate numbers of manifestation.

4 is grounding, secure, disciplined, honorable and focused on making things real and tangible.

10 is the number of Instant Manifestation, creating opportunities for rapid implementation.

JUPITER moves into Aries – also on May 10th!

This is a momentous occasion for Jupiter as it begins a brand new 12-year cycle around the zodiac.

Discover what qualities Jupiter enhances in Aries, and how Mercury’s retrograde in it’s home sign with the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio create a WEEK to REMEMBER!

Watch the NEW Star Code Forecast here:

Joyful Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

Discover the 3 kinds of frequencies that inspire, uplift and compel you to create at your highest capacity in the new Star Codes Forecast.

P.S. FREE Masterclass! Discover Your Divine Blueprint: How to read any person's birth code in the STARS and NUMBERS.

**Includes Downloadable Handout.**

Get Instant Access HERE.