A highly intuitive and transformational celestial event blesses us Sunday night into Monday.

  • Mercury is exactly opposite Pluto with both at 27° – andat the same time the Moon is ALSO at 27° in a beautiful trine to Mercury and sextile to Pluto!
  • Mercury is exactly opposite Pluto with both at 27°.
  • At the same time the Moon is also at 27° in a beautiful trine to Mercury and sextile to

This triple 27:27:27 invokes deep compassion and wisdom, and since 27 reduces to the “root” number 9 – the triple 9:9:9 attracts culminations, endings and deep emotional healing.

The impact of this powerful Moon-Mercury-Pluto triangle is that you are very perceptive and sensitive – able to quickly assess any situation and read people easily.

Intense conversations are likely… just stay clear of engaging in power struggles to prove a point.

Also guard against getting obsessed on an idea or on a person.

Look at all sides of any situation – the truth reveals itself when you listen with your heart and share intuitive prompts with deep empathy.

Any kind of nourishing therapy or creative immersion is favored now.

The celestial triangle is exact on Monday July 18, and thus activates an 18/9 Universal Day, (adding a fourth 9 to the equation – 9:9:9:9).

27, 18 and 9 are numbers of empowerment through wisdom and love.

Keep in mind, the big “head” on top of the 9 will either represent a large ego wanting to control others, or empower through wisdom and compassion.

Positive transformation is the great gift under this celestial triangle, IF you are open to discover the hidden motivations and programming you are not aware of – and release them for stunning breakthroughs and healing.

With so many 9’s – a symbol of endings and transitions – know that endings come in many forms, and now comes a time you are being asked to let go of what must come to a close…

Something better can take its place.

Nature’s cycles include life, death and regeneration.

Whatever is not working in your life, let it go.

Surrender, rather than struggle with what is inevitable.

You are being reborn – and your divine connection to Source is more brilliant than ever!

Joyful Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Your current name is your spiritual “calling card”. It is a name YOU choose. Did you know that your current name adds up to a specific number that is either fortunate OR attracting challenges?

People with challenging current name numbers are more prone to activate the “shadow side” in situations and people – thus attracting difficult outcomes or delays.

Avoid unnecessary obstacles in your life by making sure your current name adds up to a fortunate vibration!

Get your fortunate name report HERE.
