An intense Full Moon in Scorpio is upon us and will be exact at 4:31 am UT on March 27 and 11:31 pm EDT, 8:31 pm PDT late on April 26.

This Scorpio Full Moon occurs right as Pluto stations retrograde!

So Pluto, ruling planet of Scorpio, will literally be at a standstill in the days leading up and following the full moon in its home sign.

This is designed to get your heart totally ENGAGED in your life.

Then there’s the incredible quadruple T-square to Saturn:

Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mercury are in the midst of a powerful stellium in stable, secure Taurus – all four creating a 90° square to Saturn, while on the opposite side of the Sun the Moon completes the T-square…

Discover how your career and life are being pushed to new limits, while boundaries, restrictions and responsibilities are taken to another level.

To balance the intensity this full moon the universe is also blessing us with a gorgeous Grand Trine between the Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

You’ll feel fired up and enthusiastic about any task you’re engaging with.

Opportunities for more independence and success are fueled by your initiative and passion.

When cosmic energies come to a head such as they are now, it’s a good time to check in with your own life in a deeper way.

One important factor to ease your way into the tremendous growth in play now is to make sure your current name adds up to a fortunate vibration.

People with challenging current names are more likely to activate the “shadow side” in situations and people – repelling support and opportunities and attracting challenges and delays.

As you shift your energy and enter a new era, there’s no better time than now to check the vibration of your current name.

(The current name is the first thing I check with a private client! If a change is needed, two fortunate spellings are provided.)

Discover your current name code HERE.

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle