It’s a special a special month, when we celebrate the second of TWO Cancer New Moons and an 11 Universal Month. This star code creates a dynamic call for you to MOVE forward with passion – and be open for LOVE to heal your HEART.

Tension and challenges accompany any GROWTH that is worthwhile and lasting.

No successful outcome has ever been manifested without patience, fortitude and courage – and often against all odds.

With that in mind, I wanted to share a special treat with you.

You may have heard of Django Reinhardt, the two-fingered guitarist. Django’s achievements are absolutely remarkable.

Django lost use of his two left fingers when he was a teenager. His mind, body and spirit felt invincible at that age, like the planet Mars – enough for Django to say, I can play guitar with two fingers – no matter what anyone else says!

Now, imagine playing the violin at a world-class level, a feat in itself.

Violinists require the thumb of the left hand to cradle the “neck” of the violin to enable the four fingers to play the strings (which are quite close together) – while the right hand has to play the bow bringing the strings alive.

Never before has this been done at a world-class level with three fingers.

And certainly not with just TWO fingers instead of four!

Until now…

Today I want to share an astonishing, truly heart-warming story with you.

Against all odds, a world-class violinist has accomplished a seemingly incomprehensible feat.

The difference between a guitar and a violin is that a guitar is a fretted instrument. The frets are markers to show where the fingers need to go. A violin has no such “markers” to guide the musician. Thus intonation (playing in tune) is a bigger challenge.

So taking four fingers down to TWO would be a crazy thing to even consider on a violin.

The violinist you are about to see contracted focal dystonia, a repetitive finger disorder most common among musicians – in particular pianists and string players who practice many hours every day.

In this case, focal dystonia began when this violinist was in his mid 40’s – an age when re-programming and retraining your fine motor muscles after many decades of using all four fingers presented far greater hurdles.

It’s somewhat like retraining a quarterback to throw the ball with two fingers and thumb instead of his full hand.

Or a gymnast tumbling with two fingers missing.

But that’s just considering the physical component.

When you add artistry and dexterity into the mix, the accomplishment you are about to witness is even more astounding.

In fact, this inspiring video is truly astonishing…

Be amazed at the capacity of courage, passion, dedication and LOVE to overcome tragedy.

This is all about the triumph of the human spirit.

  • Know that no matter WHAT happens in your life, no matter how difficult the hurdles are, there is ALWAYS a way to make your experience meaningful and deeply empowering.

May this video inspire your Soul.

Never give up.

Strive every moment to find the solution.

Set the intention to uplift, create joy and transcend fear with love.

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. The violinist you’ll see is my daughter Clara’s father. 🙂