
Wow, that one was tough to read. About
Mackenzie and her dad John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas.


Here's what the numbers say. And what Mackenzie
Phillips can do to help herself heal.


Mackenzie is in a 14/5 Personal Year right now.
And this means, for someone in the limelight, she will be in the forefront of
the media. That's because 14 is the Media Number. Appearing on Oprah yesterday
certainly has had that affect on her life already.


I also noticed that Mackenzie is about to turn
50, which can trigger her Personal Year of 14/5 even more.


What struck me is that her father – about whom
she is talking on her book media tour right now – died in a 14/5 Personal Year
in 2001. Not only that, his name ‘John Phillips' adds up to the very same


Then I saw something else.


John Phillips' Life Purpose Number is 29/11.
This vibration indicates tremendous creativity and mastery. On the flip side, 29/11
carries many tests – including possible challenges with women, if you are a


29 reduces to 11/2. This number is very
electrical and powerful. It also symbolizes two opposing energies and desires.
Often a feeling of separation and incompletion is present when a prominent 11
is active in your life. Since 11 reduces to 2 learning through relationships of
all kinds is key to this number.


Then I noticed that ‘Mackenzie Phillips' has an
11/2 current name. It has not helped her.


And the fact that her name and her father's Life
Purpose triggered each other in the dramatic way she talks about, shows how
challenging this name has been for her.


By the way, this need not have happenened in the
way  it did for Mackenzie. This is
how numerology is so  helpful.
Knowing the tendencies of numbers is like  preventative medicine for the soul.


She says it was her pregnancy that stopped the


Well the clue numerology gives us is that 14/5
is showing up for Mackenzie right now and was present in her dad's life both in
his name and when he died. 14 is not only the Media Number. It also covers the
active seksual principle – and pregnancy.


Here's what I recommend for Mackenzie Phillips
so she can be fully supported as she heals from her wounds.


She would be greatly helped if she changed the
spelling of her name to ‘Mackenzi Phillips'. This version adds up to 60/6, a
wonderful, positive, highly fortunate vibration. Far better than the 11/2 name
she has had for nearly 50 years.


Her story shows yet again how the number of your
current name affects every part of your life.


Warmest Regards,

 Tania Gabrielle


P.S. I realize there are a lot of people out
there with challenging names. If you want to bypass unnecessary obstacles, make
sure yours adds up to a fortunate vibration.

Or get the ‘Is My Name Fortunate?' report as a free gift with
your Personal Numerology Buerpint.