Intuitive Counseling Call

A great opportunity to talk to Tania Gabrielle in person and get answers on a variety of questions all at once. Ask about whether your current name is fortunate, the direction of your career, any partnerships, dates for important events, website names and book titles, the address of your home and business and get a personal forecast of your future cycles.

Complete Astro-Numerology Consultation

First Tania delves into the deepest layers of your Personal Birth Code as unveiled in your Astrology and Numerology Birth Charts. She reveals how to leverage your Wealth Formula, Life Purpose, Destiny and Personal Shift Numbers to raise your vibration and achieve your highest potential – in both your career and personal life (all are interrelated). Then Tania will read your in-depth current and future astro-numerology forecast. Discover how your progressions, transits and cycles create a personal road map – a secret design of our future. This profound consultation is designed to give you an INSTANT success boost and is Tania’s most in-depth reading available!

 Astro-Numerology COMPATIBILITY  Reading

Are you and your lover compatible? Find out in this profound, precise and powerful Astro-Numerology reading.

You and your partner each embody two sacred birth codes. How do they intertwine with each other? How are the current and future cycles moving the energy for each of you individually – and as a couple?

In this in-depth reading, Tania will share insights about your love birth promise, your current and future love forecast and your love compatibility with your partner

Yearly Solar Return Birthday Reading

Only 1 available per month.

In your “Solar Return Birthday Reading” creates and reads the map of the sky at the EXACT moment the Sun returns to the Same position as when you were born. Consider this hour with Tania as your Birthday Oracle about WHEN and HOW to best implement your vision over the next year. During your one-on-one private call, Tania will give an in-depth reading of your Solar Return Astrology Chart (for your current birthday) and and highlight the important Transits, Progressions and Personal Numerology Cycles to help you make the most of your next twelve months.


Personal Astrology and Numerology Reading

Only 2 available per month.

As your personal oracle, Tania will delve deeply into your Astrology and Numerology birth code while unveiling the secrets in your current and future timelines. She will decipher the meaning current and future Eclipses and Moon Cycles, Progressions, Transits and Numerology Cycles as they relate to your personal birth promise. You'll also discover how you are uniquely designed to manifest Abundance – now and in the future. There will be time during your one-on-one call to ask Tania questions on any topics of your choice. This is the essential life boost you have been waiting for!

Is My Name Fortunate?

Your Current Name is your soul’s calling card. It adds up to a special number that is either fortunate or attracting challenges. Avoid unnecessary obstacles in your life by making sure your current name adds up to a fortunate number. If your name needs to be respelled, Tania will give you at least two new fortunate versions to choose from. This report is also a fantastic tool to accelerate wealth creation in your business, website, product names and book titles.

Personal Numerology Blueprint

This in-depth blueprint unveils the secrets in your birthday and birth-name code, detailing the nature of your soul, your special gifts, your career environment, how you relate to others, and where you naturally feel most fulfilled and empowered. Your Personal Numerology Blueprint contains elaborate descriptions of:

1. Your Life Purpose Number
2. Your Destiny Number
3. Your Soul Number
4. Your Inner Dream/Personality Number
5. Your Day of Birth Number
6. Your Essence and Wisdom Numbers
7. Your Intensifications
8. The Three Numerology Triads in your Blueprint

Abundance Blueprint

You were born with a unique personal numbers’ code which unveils your gifts and purpose. This code also reveals hidden challenges which can block you from manifesting lasting abundance. Discover how you repel wealth and then apply these powerful personal remedies to create lasting prosperity. With this empowering blueprint you will be able to *break free* from your negative patterns and thrive!

Your Next 12 Months

In this one-year forecast you will discover how to leverage your goals for the next 12 months. Your personalized report begins the month you place your order and continues through the same month the following year (as in June 2014 – June 2015). Your blueprint ALSO includes a special list of your most Fortunate Personal Days for each month so you can plan your important events. An invaluable document to help you manifest abundance and success!

Prosperity Power System

Discover your Personal Wealth Formula! Using her unique system of Astro-Numerology, Tania Gabrielle reveals a powerful, secret formula the wealthy elite have known for millenia. The Prosperity Power System is your ticket to abundance and happiness. Features special guest speaker, hand-analyst Baeth Davis, who will show you how your fingerprint data line up with your birth numbers to create success.

Prosperity Power System