After the Michael Phelps incident, we heard about Tom Daschle and Christian Bale.

All three have something in common. Besides controversy and good looks. And a temporary loss of common sense. Yes, being in the hot seat isn't always easy.

Tom Daschle, Michael Phelps and Christian Bale received some unexpected news about past decisions – caught on tape.

Here's why. Christian, Tom and Michael are in Personal Years which conflict with BOTH their Life Purpose and Destiny Numbers. That only happens to some people. Many never experience a double challenge like this.

On the other hand, Tom Christian and Michael have years where BOTH their important numbers are lit up in lights. Like Phelps and Bale did in 2008. Bale hit it big as Batman and Phelps' Olympic quest is now legendary.

You may notice that, even though the dope smoke incident took place last year, it didn't hit the news waves until now.

OK, let's look at how this double challenge works.

For example. Tom Daschle's Life Purpose is 33/6 and his Destiny Number 76/13/4. He's currently in a 5 Personal Year and 5 doesn't harmonize as well with 4 and 6 as it does with other numbers.

Christian Bale is in a 6 Personal Year which is in conflict with his 7 Life Purpose and 5 Destiny. I already told you about Michael Phelps' numbers.

This does Not mean they'll be squirming all year. What it DOES mean is any residual past actions that may have been out of line will be brought to life in some fashion.

For celebrities like Tom, Christian and Michael, media adds fuel to the fire.

Christian's four-minute tirade on a movie set last summer has already been parodied by Steve Martin on the Colbert Show. That's to be expected. Especially this month.

A huge plus is knowing what's in store from month to month.

If I were advising former Sen. Daschle I would tell him he's in a 7 Personal Month right now. Coupled with the double conflict of his year, the message is – withdraw, slow down, look within. In the end he did have to publicly withdraw.

Michael Phelps has the same triple conflict going on this month as well. So does Christian. By next month all three will be breathing much more easily.

The good news about a Personal Year conflicting with two of your important Personal Numbers is this.

You have time to pull back and take a birds-eye view of your life. You're literally forced to release any past tensions that may have been ignored before. Not by reaching for dope or letting off steam or pretending you're above the law – no.

By taking appropriate action. Whatever that means to you. Positive action is an amazing healer. There's nothing else like it.
Understanding your cycles gives you the insight as to HOW and WHEN you can make your moves.

Your 2009 Blueprint gives you the invaluable knowledge Michael, Christian and Tom could be benefiting from right now.

This report will give you peace of mind and incredible tips on how to succeed during the next 12 months.

Make sure you have yours on your desk to guide you.

Warmest Regards,
Tania Gabrielle